Step 8: What Next?

CONGRATULATIONS! If you’ve made it this far you are well on your way to becoming a TRAVEL ALL-STAR!

I, sincerely, hope that the “Beginner’s Guide” will aid in your understanding of why points matter, what is possible with points, and how to get started.

Similar to any new subject you’re attempting to learn, it will be confusing and sound like a foreign language at first, but once you understand the basics, you’ll be on a roll and wondering why you hadn’t discovered my blog sooner.

Just think…it all started with two couples planning their trip. Now, here we are ready to take on the world…with a few prerequisites…lounge access, a lie-flat business class seat, some champagne, dine-on-demand, and a shower at 35,000 feet. hahaha

Believe me, you know more than most people and it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be checking travel goals of your list!


I’m glad you asked! I will be posting blogs fairly often so we can stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Again, you’ll want to begin:

  1. monitoring / improving your credit score
  2. determining your travel goals
  3. applying for your first credit cards
  4. learning about various programs
  5. accruing and learning how to redeem your points
  6. crossing off your travel goals and;
  7. sending 1tattedpassport “thank you” notes because you’ve accomplished things that you never thought would happen.

As you read through the latest blogs, you’ll come across A LOT of travel jargon. As I mentioned above, this may sound like a foreign language and you may not understand everything in the beginning but stay encouraged and keep reading. YOU GOT THIS!!

Also, make sure you subscribe to our emails and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. And most importantly, if you read something that you find interesting or inspiring, please share it on social media.